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Unser_Service_Text |
Our Service
Service is a very important for us. As a manufacturer of high-quality systems for environmental protection, we see ourselves as a reliable and long-term partner for our customers. Planning, production, creation and assembly are carried out by our proven team. Everything from a single source... Trunkey Solution ... from small laboratory devices to complex evaporator systems for recycling all waste water flows.
Even after installation and handover, we are there for you, our competent factory customer service is at your desposal as a reliable partner.
Slogan_Korrotherm |
KORROTHERM - Ihr kompetenter Partner für die Aufarbeitung industrieller Abwässer
Fusszeile 1 |
Korrotherm GmbH
Osemundstr. 4
58809 Neuenrade
Telefon: 0 23 92 - 80 70 910
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Fusszeile_4 |
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